Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another Name Stealer!!

Back in February I wrote about a dude who had the name Wade Bates, who I found on-line and was a little upset that somene else would dare try and use the name of a me. I tried to contact THAT Wade Bates and petition him to consider changing it!

(Yes, me and a few co-workers have no life as we search the Internet for things like this in our spare time!)

Well, low and behold, I did the old "Google-Image" search this morning on my name and found out there is yet ANOTHER Wade Bates...this one out in the Pacific Northwest who is in the building business. I think I'll have to get the old copywright lawyers on the line!

Hey at least that Wade Bates has a billboard, so that maybe puts him in higher stature than me! There was a time when the "powers that be" put me on a billboard at the old railroad crossing by G&L on Johnson Street in Fondy. Waiting for a train is painful enough, but having to stare at my mug must have made it worse.....thanks to the overpass..that billboard came down…

That got me thinking...what would happen if two or all three of the Wade Bates' ended up in the same room. Would it world end as Doc Brown told Marty McFly in Back to the Future might happen if he met up with himself in 1955? I don't want that hanging over me, so lets hope it doesn't happen.

...Back to the topic at hand...I've now found visual facts of two other Wade Bates in the good old USA....If your name is Wade Bates...and you're not me! Drop me an email and maybe we can thumb wrestle or play Rock, Paper, Scissors for the official rights to the name.


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